Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Sitting Still

This piece of art is from crispin korschen. I bought it online at Barking Mad it's a picture block about 10cm square. At first you think, "what is this? How absurd" but it makes sense when you need it to. 

In the pre-flap days, when I was walking round with two holes in my neck thinking I was invincible, I was prone to infections. I had 3 infections over the course of about 5 years. All required hospitalization and IV antibiotics. On the back of this block is a date, 2012, and a message, "lesson learnt". That was the last infection I had and it was the worst. I spent 5 days in hospital and didn't sleep or swallow the whole time. Well it felt like I hadn't slept but I must have at some point. It was after this episode that I realized I needed to listen to my lovely J, as well as most of my dear friends and family, and make a plan to pull back at work. J was desperate for me to finish work altogether but knew it had to be my decision. My career, my PhD, my friends - I'd allowed my work to define who I was. So it was impossible to let go and admit that my body couldn't keep up with my brain. That head of mine just doesn't switch off, even at 3 in the morning! But I need my head to help my body heal. 

Anyhow, if I was to keep sticking the band aid (or more expensive equivalent silicone dressing) over the holes and not face the surgery then the least I could do would be to drop down my hours at work so I could rest up midweek. With the support of my husband, my workplace and my team I was able to accept and flourish on four days a week. My "Wednesday's off" were awesome. One friend said "you've just put another 10 years on your life". 

Sometimes you need to stop, smell those roses, sit still with that bird on your head and hum awhile.  That's pretty much what I'm doing this week. Give it a try!


  1. I totally hear you! Having had similar difficulties in slowing down and recognising that my body was trying to tell me something, I'm only now taking the lesson on board. Good on you for taking time out to just be. One of the hardest things for me to learn is realising that when I start to feel better, I'm still not yet well; just better than I was before. A wise doctor told me once: "it takes just as long to get over an illness or event as it took for it to happen" so be sure to take all the time you need. Kia kaha, kiamaia!

    1. I remember bouncing back to occ health after the last infection saying I'm ready to go back to work. Yep, take another two weeks off then. I think that's good advice, whenever you think you are better take another two weeks of rest just to be sure. Another dear friend advised me "don't come back to work until you're ready to clean the oven".

  2. What if it does a poo? I suppose, with your new sunny attitude, you'd consider that good luck :)

    1. Bird shit is good luck according to mom!

  3. Replies
    1. There are some others that are just as lovely. Check out barking mad.
