Humor me. Give me abit more of your time. Again. I can't be with you and if I were with you we probably wouldn't be having this conversation anyhow. It would take up way too much time which we wouldn't have. So this time we have right here is precious then. It's a record that we can go back to and reflect on, laugh along with, remember, cherish. It's going to be a memory that we'll share when we do finally catch up again. When I'm better and we find the time.
"Making memories" is a phrase I use a lot. I love it. I love putting it in cards to encourage others to do just that, make memories. I use it on photos of key events throughout the year so we can look back and remember that moment. Looking back is something that is usually associated with getting older, the oldies digging out their photos and making collages for the wall, something my dad was obsessive about in the last year of his life (not that any of us knew it was his last year, unless he did of course). Collecting those memories and keeping them around him - was this a way of reliving the past? Reflecting on his life? Did it give him a sense of pride perhaps? We don't just do this with photos but also videos. In our family we were fortunate to have an annoying uncle who would thrust a video camera into your face at every family gathering. Stoppit not now! He had decades of family footage on VHS which he painstakingly transferred to DVDs and distributed out to the family. There's stuff from when I was like 9 dancing at a family party, there's my 21st party, the "welcome home" party coming back from college, right through to our wedding day in 2000, me the Millenium bride and J my handsome Prince. We are truly, truly grateful to our dear uncle G for these precious memories. At times embarrassing! But golden all the same.
The thing about memories is you do need to take the time out to make them. Agreed? And there's always something else that is a greater priority isn't there? It's all very well me sitting here rambling on, putting you under pressure to squeeze in that call to your crazee Aunty who lives in a home, when I've got nothing else on my list to do today except enforced restfulness. Eh? I'll make a deal with you then. I'll let you spit this back in my face when I'm up and about running like a Brummie again, not finding time to take a freakin pee break let alone text you "hi bye". As long as you give me 5 more minutes today (or come back another day) to work out how many books you're gonna read, how many films you've got left to watch, how many visits to the crazee Aunty you have left in your life, allegedly, cos I've done this exercise and it frightened the hell out of me. And I'm Ironman. So click on the link below -
how to count the time you have left
Cos I know it's gonna change the way you look at your life, for the better. And for all you Instagrammers out there, there's pictures!
Thanks to JAX for the kindness quote and to Zed for the link. Too good not to share.
That was a very interesting exercise! I wonder how many tunes I will play? Or how many more Gaidhealtachds I will attend? Or ceilidhs I will play tunes in? Thanks Reenie for this. Hugs.