Saturday, 27 February 2016

Another Saturday night in Plastics

I'm back in hospital. Nice view.

I honestly can't believe it. The last post was just two days ago - the one with the photo of flappy six weeks in - looking great. And now in a matter of 48 hours flappy has spit the dummy and I'm back in the Plastics ward on intravenous (IV) antibiotics. WTactualF?

What am I like? We had the weekend planned out, off to Wellington on Sunday for a day out, eating, shopping and cinema. It is our wedding anniversary this weekend and we were looking forward to a day of normality as we haven't had much of that over the last few weeks. I'd had a good start to the week and had met up with friends for coffee and lunch and a trip to the park. Did I overdo it abit this week? 3 trips out? I felt like I was coming down with a virus mid week, not sleeping great, blocked nose, sore throat. Then Thursday afternoon the glands popped up in my neck. And they kept popping up. Really tender. Mmmmmm. We were on alert. The sore throat and night sweats kept me awake enough to take panadol at 4am Saturday. When we got up this morning it was clear that J wasn't heading out for a cycle ride and we weren't going to our friends BBQ, instead we were going to ED at 10am. Reading this back now, in hindsight, I am wondering why the fuck that I didn't go to ED earlier? Ok it may have been Friday night instead of Saturday morning. Would 12 hours have made a difference? But looking at the speed at which the redness on my neck has spread today, I have the pen markings at the edge of the redness, I realize that every minute matters not just hours or days.So I've spent best part of today working through this and I have to say it's been a topic of fierce debate between me and my loved one. 

I think my head is at fault here. It's racing ahead of body again, wanting to be normal and "not a problem"! The force is definitely strong in this one. Not only forceful but also annoyingly independent verging on arrogant. Strong words indeed. This is me trying to give head a heads up here. Another lesson hopefully learnt. 

I don't want another Saturday night in Plastics hooked up to IV antibiotics. Cos I know what comes next, the oral Flucoxacillin which tastes like metal, the take away from Plastics to be taken for 7 days that's 1 hour before food and two hours after food. Which means I'm set back a week on the crooked road to recovery. Which means normality is on hold for another couple of weeks. This is a tough road to walk. Mentally more than physically. 

But as my loving husband tells me, "it's not the end of the world". And it certainly isn't. And things could be a lot worse. I am lucky to be alive. Each day we are truly grateful for. This is just a small blip and the antibiotics will do their job. It's not rocket science....... There must be a few more cliches I can pull out of the bag...... But at the end of the day I am here in this moment writing this blog and I am feeling grand. A little warm but you know how they like to crank the heating up in this place, thermometer says 23 degrees. 

For my devoted, endlessly loving husband, J, "is this your good ear George Bailey? I'll love you til the day I die!", It's a Wonderful Life we are having babe. Happy Anniversary! 


  1. Thinking of you and wishing you speedy, healing thoughts. Rest up :)

  2. Thinking of you both, tough times won't last but tough people do xxx
    Be kind to your self guys.

  3. Oh Reenie, what a disappointment. Gentle hugs and kudos for being so positive.
