Friday, 4 March 2016

Leaving hospital now! Whoop!

"I'm a celebrity get me out of here!" Is the perfect way to end my week of Survivin in plastics. I fought hard with my army of white knights, my Weapons of mass destruction and my legions of "virtual" Spartan slaves following me on the Internet. For a time there I was Spartacus! I have survived again.

What was that infection all about then? Well, most likely due to an infected suture/stitch at the top edge of the flap. There was a wobble for a second or two when the CT scan reported the "possibility" of osteomyelitis, that's infection of the bone. But the consensus opinion from all sides of the house is that this is calcified tissue leftover from radiation damage. I'm clinically well so the infection has responded to the antibs. No need to change treatment. I have my backpack rattling with oral goodies that taste of the requisite metal but this time I have a stabilizer which will keep the antibs in my body longer. Yes I have a new super power! I have the ability to stabilize stuff! Holding it in! The big plus is that I don't have to be too worried about taking on an empty stomach. I can eat away all day which is what I love to do so I'll be happy happy. The first thing I'm gonna do when I leave here is get hot chips and go to the beach to eat them (don't worry I'll be in the car away from the damaging effects of UV). Then I'm going home with my lovely hubby for a cuddle and a good cry!!!!!!! 


  1. Cool. Good to hear you're off again.
    And what's that thudding? Seagulls hitting the car windscreen trying to get at your hot chips. Enjoy.
