Cats get nine lives right? Well I must be on life 7 at least? Maybe I'm not Ironman maybe I'm Catwoman? Looks like I got through another battle with the bugs. I chose to channel Charlize this time round. Screw the yellow brick road imagery that got me through the horrors of ICU. Mad Max Fury Road. A movie about survival. Stylish movie. Wicked soundtrack. And it has Tom Hardy in it. Winner.
Nice spot for hot chips
I'm out of hospital but I'm not yet done with the drugs. Three times a day I'm challenged to do the antibiotic equivalent of the Bush Tucker Trial. Round 1 is to crush the Probenecid tablet and try to dissolve it in water using a syringe. The Medsafe pdf pack insert says its dissolvable in alcohol.... Tempting, tempting! Then add the yellow slurry to a half cup of strawberry yoghurt. Mix rapidly with a teaspoon to prevent nausea turning into vomit. Eat the drugged yoghurt mix. Wait half an hour before proceeding to next stage. Round 2 take the liquid Flucoxacillin out of the fridge and pour 20ml into a measuring cup. Go to your happy place. Preferably with a fan blowing, like Beyoncé, on your face to prevent nausea. Take a deep breath, hold nose and swallow in 4 sips. Immediately wash down with half a liter of water and pop a Werther's original in your mouth. Say three Hail Mary's to prevent reflux. In half an hour eat a mallow puff, or after 20 minutes if you chew it slowly. I've got 6 weeks of this shit man!
Survivors Survivin. Having something positive to live for and playing it out in your minds eye. My jobs not done here I guess. Just gotta figure out what I'm meant to be doing with my life now. I guess we all should have that question to ask ourselves, what is the meaning of life, my life. That doesn't usually pop up until you're at a crossroads, experiencing grief, facing illness or recovering from a traumatic experience that you thought you might not survive. In my experience there's only a small window of time when I think seriously about this question and that's usually when I'm in the throws of Survivin or just afterwards. If I don't nail it during this time, nail the answer or give the question some air, it puffs away as I recover and start to get back to normal. I do have a few buds on my tree of life that are gonna need some nurturing if they're ever gonna bloom.....
click here for link to Mad Max Fury Road clip
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