Today's activity was clearing out the garage to make space for my craft table. Me and mom got stuck into it this afternoon. I've got the whiteboard - ideas board - in place too. Looks completely barren of creativity doesn't it! That's cos all the ideas are in my head spinning around! Excellent! A fresh start. It's amazing how many treats and treasures lay buried in my boxes of craft gear. I reckon I've got everything except glass blowing tools in our garage! Mmmmmm sniffs of jack of all trades and master of none I hear you cry! Well maybe I get bored easily? I found an unfinished mosaic mirror amongst the loot so that will be one project that will get me back in the creative groove and recharge the batteries. I rediscovered my charcoals, watercolor paints, colored pencils, felt tips, mosaic tiles, mirrored glass, pottery tools and an endless supply of paper clips! All is well in my world.
This is wonderful news, Reenie. I have to clear out my study to get back to creativity but have a few commitments to do first. I love getting into that "disappear into the creativity" frame of mind, similar to but also different from disappearing into music. So happy for you. Look forward to seeing what happens next. 😊😊😊