Sunday, 22 May 2016

See horses not zebras

I've just finished reading a memoir called "When breath becomes air" about a neurosurgeon who has lung cancer which spreads to his brain. He died in his mid-30s in the prime of his life. This is all very poignant that a Dr used to dealing with death would have to confront his own and consider the meaning of his life in the process. Many of the steps along the way to the diagnosis ring true, the denial of the pain and tiredness at the beginning, not prioritizing this but instead putting it down to over work, long hours on his feet. I'm not suggesting that we should run to the Dr with any twinge but how many times do we hear that a friend/colleague or family member left it too late to go to see the GP? And how many times have you hassled your loved one to go and see the GP, only to have your head bitten off for over caring? Keep hassling I say.

Drs are taught to look for horses and not zebras when a patient walks through the door. Go with the majority verdict. If they come back in 2 weeks then send them for a scan. Fair enough you might say, restricted budgets and all. But how many do come back in 2 weeks or do they leave it for a month, or 2? Add on 4 weeks for the waiting list for a CT and you're several months away from the original complaint. And if it is something serious, like cancer, well you've just given cancer a head start I the race. So, google it. Yep, first stop for a diagnosis is the WWW. Scare the shit out of yourself why don't you! We all do it. 

Going back to the zebras, beautiful aren't they? Sometimes it works in reverse. Sometimes when I walk into a Drs surgery and meet a new Dr they see my list of treats and see the zebra first. I probably don't help with Mr Google under my arm and not allowing the Dr to get a word in edge ways.  So this week I have a bit of a bronchial cough and will get it checked out at the GP, hoping she'll see the horse and give me antibiotics. 

Paul Kalanithi was the name of the neurosurgeon. It is his almost poetic, philosophical voice that stays with me. His first love was literature. He died before completing this book. He ran out of time. 
None of us know when our time is up. It's a cliche. Play another record. We're almost immune to it. Too many funerals go by with us repeating the same old same old. Make the most of life. Live life to the full. Don't sweat the small stuff. Try to find good in everyday. Treasure every hour with a loved one. Kiss your lover hello, goodbye and goodnight. Don't put off til tomorrow what can be done today, is an oldie but goody! What is it that you've always wanted to do? Then do it.

Creativity Update
I've just finished a crochet tank top. I think tank tops are going to be the new black. Was inspired by my Dutch friend El so can't claim to be very original here! So I'm happy with it but can't wear it yet until I grow into it! I'm a little under my ideal weight at the moment so it's a bit baggy under the arms. Here it is:

The other project I am working on is a mosaic mirror for my friend Sho. Can't put a picture up though cos it's a surprise. But most of the tiles are down now and next will be the grouting.

The other project I've got going is definitely at the prototype stage. It's my projector project where I enlarge an image and transfer it to wood and jigsaw the hell out of it! Here's a picture so far:

I'll either mosaic this one or go ahead with the protoype painting using spray paint with a metallic effect. It's all new to me. I loved using the jigsaw as it was just like using a sewing machine. But I didn't like the reverb on the drill! Thanks to J for the demo. 

So that's all from me. Apart from to say that I've been catching up with friends over the last couple of weeks. It's been absolutely awesome. I have guzzled down every word and taken them home and reflected and laughed to myself. Not just the real life friends but also the virtual ones too. Laughter is the cure all and how I love to laugh. And it's with friends that we laugh so freely. Have a great week. Find something to laugh at. This cracked me up this week... Hope the link works...Mom with Star Wars mask

Monday, 2 May 2016

It's May!!!

What a glorious day!
The weather has been soooo kind. I'm so enjoying it right now. To think that when I was in the throws of recovery, just after getting out of hospital, the sun was splitting the rocks and I was so not interested in it. Wasted on me, the whole scorching hot summer. Endless days of scorchio. From January to May all I cared for was a room with a bed and heavy curtains! Or sat in front of Downton Abbey in the lounger with the curtains drawn to hide the sun from the TV screen at 2 in the afternoon. Shocking! So now I am so thankful that scorchio is still here and I can appreciate it sitting here on the covered deck tapping away.
So was anyone else a little surprised that yesterday was the 1st of May? We're almost halfway through the freakin year people! What have we got to show for it? Where's that New Years resolution list gone? Well by way of a kick up me own arse I vowed to myself last night that come this morning I will start actively DOING rather than thinking about the list of stuff I wanna do this year. There's only so much prepping you can do. Did you know that you can qualify as an honorary member of the Church of the Latter Day Saints if you can show you have stockpiled 3 months supply of wool in the event of a creative apocalypse? I have enough wool to insulate the entire house and the air aid shelter (google it up kids).
My day started at 6.30am with Pet Rescue. Woody brought a bird in the house, alive. It was like Tom and Jerry (You Tube it up) in the kitchen, plates, pans, water bowls going everywhere. He hasn't really got a killer instinct, he just brings them home to hang out. Never kills them. They usually die of shock. Anyhow this little bird was cornered by the bookcase on the floor. I grabbed a blanket and chucked it over the two of them. Dragged Woody out and then scooped up Birdy in the blanket to take him downstairs for release. I opened up the blanket and he flew straight off. Excellent start to the day. Back to bed with a cuppa and a surf of the net. I didn't stay there long what with the wailing banshee of a cat outside the door.
New cereal for breakfast today, fit for Ironman himself!

Back to the creative jobs for the day. Now can I include two rounds of washing, hoovering the house and cleaning the bathroom floors? OK, no it is a bit of a stretch especially as ma was helping too! What about an omnibus edition of Corro? Sorry! I know it's not exactly Dostoyevsky (ok so I googled the spelling whatever's!). Well I did take up J's trousers! 
I did make a start on my projector project:

Templates drawn ready to project and enlarge! And we're off........